Monday, October 24, 2005

Testing 1-2-3

When I check my blog stats, which I do from time to time, I've noticed recently that I'm getting a lot of "hits" to my site from people Googling an image of "stripper". Nice, huh? They end up seeing a picture I posted of my sister from her bachelorette party in the listing of photos (first page, no less!) and click on it and arrive at my blog. I'm *sure* my blog isn't what they're looking for. So I've removed the controversial photo and will now see how far my daily hits drop as a result. I also seem to get people coming here from an image search for "feet" and they get a shot of my kids bare feet I titled "Cute Feet". Hmmm... I've left that picture up, for now...

What sort of perverted people look for stripper pictures in places that aren't porn sites?

"What sort of perverted people look for stripper pictures in places that aren't porn sites?"

Were I in the market for stripper pictures (I'm not, the whole stripper thing strikes me as contrived and unsexy) I might be happier to discover a possibly stripper-related blog called "Chick Chat" than to find a stripper porn site. The former offers the prospect of strippers chatting with each other about their stripping experiences, which might appeal to anyone who was into strippers. Of course, once these visitors discover what your blog is actually about, they probably go away quickly.
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