Thursday, September 08, 2005

It's OVER!

In other words, Mr. Chick PASSED THE BAR!! yay! You have no idea what a huge relief this is to KNOW that this sucker is behind us and we don't have to go through a repeat performance. I never had any doubt that he'd pass, but it's nice to have verification.

We're having fun on our trip and just relaxing. The kids are still adjusting to the time difference, but other than that are behaving well and having fun.

Back in a week...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah!!! Enjoy your trip!!
Yeeeehaw!!!!! That is awesome news!!!!!! Makes the vacation so much more fun! What a relief for you all.

God Bless and enjoy the rest of your vacation!
Congrats Mr. Chick! What a huge relief for all of you. :)
What excellent news! All his hard work has paid off. Congrats!

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