Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Just when I thought I'd mostly kicked the cold I've been battling for over a week now, I wake up this morning unable to open one of my eyes. It was sealed shut with a glue of the most disgusting eye goop I've ever seen (or produced, for that matter). Yes, I have pink eye. Thanks for sharing, Nicholas! I've never had this shit in my life, and it ain't pretty. My eyelid is so swollen I can hardly open my eye, even after removing the crusty goop. It's weeping yellow-tinged nastiness, for Christ sake! I've had 3 round of the antibiotic eye drops, and they tend to sting a bit. I look like I was on the losing side of a mis-matched fight. Mr. Chick joked to me this morning, upon gazing at my disfigured eye, "you look like I finally told you what's up." Nice. No, he'd never be violent with me. No worries there. But I do look like I've been punched in the eye and it's all red and swollen as a result. I had him take Nicholas to school and pick him up, too. I don't want to be seen (a), and (b), I don't want to expose my nasty self to kids.

I slept like crap so I'm going to go take a nap. On a towel laid over my pillow. Don't want to cross-contaminate or anything. This sucks.

Pink eye is the worst! The good news is, it's usually short-lived. But it sucks just the same!! Hope you get feeling better.
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