Friday, November 04, 2005


To the highest (and only) bidder. Our house is all but under contract. We met with the lesbians this afternoon and presented our official counter-offer. The only change was including a clause detailing our rent-back agreement if that becomes necessary. They were ready to sign on the dotted line right then and there but opted to take it home for the evening under the auspices of giving it due consideration. They not considering anything - it's a done deal. They're pretty excited, which is cool. They had their 4 year old daughter with them today and she was trying to figure out which bedroom would be hers. But the off-hand comment that made my day? The fact that they love Lauren's room and don't want to change the paint or decor. Music to my mother/designer ears **.

Lauren's nursery! The computer table is no longer in her room. Picture a matching wood toy box there instead... Sweet, isn't it? This was taken before she was born and the crib bedding wasn't even in place yet. My mom made her a quilt, a crib skirt, sheets and bumpers to match the curtain, which I made.

Lauren's dressers/changing table area. Again, this was taken just as I finished painting the room. Some of the decorating wasn't fully complete yet...

So, we're set to close on Jan. 3rd and a month-to-month rent goes into effect from that point on for up to 6 months. If we're not moved by then (June), shoot me. Mr. Chick and I feel like we sold at the right time and got top dollar for the house. We essentially made 54% on the house in just 3 years. That's right, 54%. That's not a typo. How ridiculous is that??! Good for us as sellers, bad news for us as buyers. We'll be paying someone else that sort of fat profit on their home when it's our turn to make offers and buy something. If it looks like we'll be renting back, Mr. Chick and I are tempted to put the lions share of that money into a 3 month CD or something and pick up a little more $$ on the interest. Can't hurt, right?
It sort of feels like we're living in someone elses home already. I'm always curious about what sort of stuff the new occupants will change. It's nice (and a little validating, if I'm being honest) to know that at least Lauren's room - a room I spent a lot of time decorating - will remain intact.
** I'm not a decorator, but I play one on TV and in my own home.
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Why do you refer to the buyers as "the lesbians"?
-just curious
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